Webinaarissa keskustellaan koronapandemian opeista Tyyppi Y-Säätiö Päivä 22.6.2021 Aika 14:00 Sijainti Webinaari Y-Säätiön koordinoima Housing First Europe Hub järjestää webinaarin tiistaina 22.6.2021. Tilaisuudessa keskustellaan kokemuksista Asunto ensin-mallin hyödyntämisestä Euroopassa koronapandemian aikana. Tapahtuman kuvaus: A year on from the launch of our advocacy webinar series, we’ll take a look at the results of our survey on different experiences of Housing First policy interventions and service adaptations made during the pandemic, with a discussion on successes, failures and how to ensure that we don’t slide ‘back-to-normal’ as Covid19 is brought under control by the vaccine rollout. Featuring Saija Turunen – Researcher at Y-Säätiö and the Housing First Europe Hub; Francesca Albanese – Head of Research & Evaluation at Crisis UK; Mike Allen – Director of Advocacy & Research at Focus Ireland; Melanie Schmit – Co-Founder & President, Housing First Nederland and Program Manager, Limor; and hosted by Samara Jones – Programme Coordinator at the Housing First Europe Hub. The webinar will take place on Tuesday 22nd June from 13:00 CEST (14:00 Finnish time). Register here Housing First Europe Hub on Y-Säätiön ja eurooppalaisten asunnottomuusjärjestöjen verkoston FEANTSAn koordinoima pysyvä oppimisalusta asunnottomuustyön uudistamiseksi Euroopassa.