Erasmus+ webinar: Low threshold work activities

Adapting Housing First -hanke järjestää 17.04.2025 webinaarin matalan kynnyksen työtoiminnasta osana Asunto ensin -mallia. Webinaarin kielenä on englanti.

Huom. tapahtuma alkaa klo 12.00 Suomen paikallista aikaa.

Time: 17.04.2025, 11.00-12.00 (CET)

Place: Teams

The webinar is part of an ongoing development and research project on the application of Housing First policies in Europe, funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ program. The project is led by Sophia Housing from Ireland. Other partner organizations are Arrels Fundació (Spain), Housing First Berlin (Germany) and Y-Säätiö (Finland).

Finland has been successful in reducing homelessness. The webinar will look at the systemic changes that underpin success and their practical applications. It will provide insights into the low threshold work activities which have been important part of the Housing First in Finland.


11:00 – 11:05           Welcome / Riikka Perälä, Researcher, Y-Säätiö

11:05 – 11:25           Why? Low threshold work activities / Harri Ollinen, Project worker, Y-Säätiö

11:25 – 11:40           What? Practical implications / Juha Huimala, Work coach / Neighbourhood work coordinator, Rinnekodit

11:40 – 12:00           Q & A / Riikka Perälä, Researcher, Y-Säätiö

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Webinaari järjestetään Teams-alustalla.