Research and Development projects

The research team of Y-Säätiö conducts significant research in collaboration with various organizations.

Y-Säätiö places a strong emphasis on development and research work. Development activities encompass research, network coordination, and various projects. These efforts support data-driven decision-making and the achievement of Y-Säätiö’s strategic goals: enhancing the economic and social well-being of our residents, transitioning towards carbon-neutral living, and ending homelessness in Finland while reducing it internationally.

Y-Säätiö is an expert in homelessness work, addressing current trends and themes. Current research topics include the cost impacts and international applications of the Housing First model, as well as reducing residents’ water consumption. Examples of project work include securing housing for residents transitioning from housing units and developing housing guidance for young people living in youth apartments. Networking efforts are conducted both in Finland and internationally. You can learn more about the activities of the Housing First Network Developers at

Y-Säätio involved in the program to end long-term homelessness.

Contact details

Saija Turunen

  • Research Manager
  • tel. +358 20 7020 320

Sari Timonen

  • Development Director
  • tel. +358 20 7020 271

Research and development projects


Work for Residents: The Impact of the Uuras Employment Program

The study explores the long-term impact of Uuras on residents' employment, well-being, and housing.
  • 2023 - 2026
  • Research

Jiippi – Adventure and Guidance with Fair Winds

Jiippi – Adventure and Guidance with Fair Winds is a development project aimed at strengthening the social inclusion of young adults.
  • 2023 - 2026
  • Project

Towards a Carbon-Neutral Lifestyle

A study on the impact of incentives on energy consumption and recycling habits.
  • 2022 - 2025
  • Research

Y-polut– Y-Säätiö’s Housing Support for Youth as a Resource for Independence

The goal of the three-year Y-polu– Y-Säätiö’s Housing Support for Youth as a Resource for Independence project is to develop Y-Säätiö’s own youth housing model, ensure the continuity of housing for young adults under the age of 35 living in Y-Säätiö’s housing stock, and prevent youth homelessness.
  • 2023 - 2025
  • Project

Supported Housing Relocation

The research focuses on a pilot project by Y-Säätiö and The Salvation Army, in which residents interested in moving were supported throughout the relocation process. The residents moved from a supported housing unit to a rental apartment with M2-Kodit.
  • 2023 - 2024
  • Research

Successful Housing Project

The aim of the three-year Successful Housing Project is to establish networks, structures, and cooperation models in Helsinki and the West Uusimaa wellbeing services county to ensure secure housing for residents moving from or who have already moved out of supported housing units.
  • 2023 - 2025
  • Project

RADAR -Register Data Analysis for Addressing Homelessness and Reducing it

RADAR is a joint project by Y-Säätiö and University of Turku, Department of Social Research, funded by The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA).
  • 2024 - 2026
  • Research